— Welcome, I'm Leigh

About me

About Me

Funny thing: I can wax poetic on the great things I know about others, but when it comes to writing about myself I always have a hard time! Well, here goes…

From helping those just starting out develop a solid foundation to Pros who need to refine and grow their businesses, there is something for everyone! The foundation of the Wedpreneur is based on the strong belief that our industry is filled with heart-centric, talented and hard-working people – our challenge, however, is becoming better business-people – and that’s where we come in. We also believe that as an industry, we are stronger together. Focusing on community over competition will only raise the bar for everyone, and it’s in the best interest of every member of our industry that we support one another.

The official stuff first:

Now for the fun stuff:

That about covers, well, me. At least the major points! If you want to know more about me, personally or professionally, my advice is to join our amazing community on Facebook. Seriously – I’m there every day and I’m pretty much an open book. It’s free, and it’s fabulous – hope to see you there!